Career Pathways

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Cluster 

The Arts, A/V Technology and Communications Career Cluster focuses on careers in designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services. Careers in this career cluster require a creative aptitude, a strong background in computer and technology applications, a strong academic foundation, and a proficiency in oral and written communication.​

Check with your counselor to see which pathways are offered at your school.

Program Information

Battlefield High School,
Brentsville District High School,
Colgan High School,
Forest Park High School,
Freedom High School,
Gainesville High School,
Gar-Field High School,
Hylton High School,
Osbourn Park High School,
Patriot High School,
Potomac High School,
Unity Reed High School,
Woodbridge High School

Journalism & Broadcasting Pathway

Journalism and Broadcasting Pathway: News analysts, reporters and correspondents gather information, prepare stories and make broadcasts that inform us about local, state, national and international events; present points of view on current issues; and report on the actions of public officials, corporate executives, special interest groups and others who exercise power. Broadcast and sound technicians install, test, repair, set up and operate the electronic equipment used to record and transmit radio and television programs, cable programs and motion pictures. Chief engineers, broadcast field supervisors and trans

Sub-Total Credits

Visual Arts Pathway

Visual Arts Pathway: Visual artists create art to communicate ideas, thoughts or feelings. They use a variety of methods—painting, sculpting or illustrating—and an assortment of materials, including oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, pencils, pen and ink, photography, plaster, clay and computers. Their works may be realistic, stylized or abstract and may depict objects, people, nature or events. Visual artists are generally categorized in two groups. Fine artists create art to satisfy their own need for self-expression. Illustrators and graphic designers, on the other hand, put their artistic skills at the service of commercial clients, such as major corporations; retail stores; and advertising, design and publishing firms.

Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits