Career Pathways

Finance - Accounting

Finance Career Cluster

The Finance Career Cluster is focused on planning, services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.

Check with your counselor to see if the pathway is offered at your school.

Program Information

Brentsville District High School,
Colgan High School,
Forest Park High School,
Freedom High School,
Gainesville High School,
Gar-Field High School,
Hylton High School,
Osbourn Park High School,
Patriot High School,
Potomac High School,
Unity Reed High School,
Woodbridge High School

Accounting Pathway

Accounting Pathway: Accounting encompasses careers that record, classify, summarize, analyze, and communicate a business's financial information/business transactions for use in management decision-making. Accounting includes such activities as bookkeeping, systems design, analysis, and interpretation of accounting information.

Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits