Reading Support and Development Gr 8

Subject Area Concentration

This course is designed to support students working 3 or more years below grade level. The class will feature a workshop model with the use of an identified intervention for students to gain skillsets that are of deficit based on on-going data collection. The skills and strategies will be developed using on grade level Standards of Learning for their current grade level. Students enrolled in this course must be concurrently enrolled in a Language Arts 8 course.

Benton Middle School
Beville Middle School
Bull Run Middle School
Fred Lynn Middle School
Gainesville Middle School
Graham Park Middle School
Hampton Middle School
Lake Ridge Middle School
Marsteller Middle School
Parkside Middle School
Pennington Traditional School
Porter Traditional School
Potomac Middle School
Potomac Shores Middle School
Reagan Middle School
Rippon Middle School
Saunders Middle School
The Nokesville School
Unity Braxton Middle School
Woodbridge Middle School