AP Government and Politics: U.S.

Credits 1
Course Designation
Advanced Placement (AP),
Weighted (1.0W)

This college-level course in U.S. political science includes topics such as: Constitutional underpinnings of U.S. government, political beliefs and behaviors, political parties, interest groups, and mass media, institutions of national government, public policy, and civil rights and liberties. Analytical writing will be required, both in essays developed within the framework of the class and in papers developed as a result of research assignments. In May, the students will take an Advanced Placement Government Examination to qualify for Advanced standing and/or credit in college.

Battlefield High School
Brentsville District High School
Colgan High School
Forest Park High School
Freedom High School
Gainesville High School
Hylton High School
Osbourn Park High School
Patriot High School
Potomac High School
Woodbridge High School




Prior completion of AP U.S. History or U.S. and Virginia History is recommended.