Credits 1
Course Designation
Weighted (1.0W),
Advanced Placement (AP)

AP U.S. History is a course designed for the student who accepts the challenge of an Advanced class in American History. Students will be expected to master all of the SOL objectives for Virginia and U.S. History. In addition, analytical writing will be required, both in essays developed within the framework of the class and in papers developed as a result of research assignments. In May, the students will take an Advanced Placement U.S. History Examination to qualify for Advanced standing and/or credit in college. This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements.

Battlefield High School
Colgan High School
Forest Park High School
Freedom High School
Gainesville High School
Hylton High School
Osbourn Park High School
Patriot High School
Woodbridge High School




Prior completion of AP World History is recommended.