Marine Corps 1

Subject Area Concentration
Credits 1

The course of instruction is a combined program of classroom instruction and practical application designed to emphasize leadership education, citizenship, self-discipline, personal growth and responsibility, and character development. Basic training in leadership tenets, physical fitness, health, drill and ceremonies, military customs and courtesies, general military subjects, grooming standards, uniform wear and care, and military organization are taught as part of the cadets' orientation to the Marine Corps and as a means to develop leadership qualities taught in class. Cadets are expected to wear designated Marine Corps uniforms on a weekly basis, and adhere to appropriate grooming standards. Extracurricular activities include Drill Team/Color Guard, Raider (physical fitness) Team, Air Rifle Team, orientation trips, community service projects, and social events. The first year also gives the new cadets exposure to personal growth and responsibility, and establishes a foundation of military structure and tradition. Students planning to enroll in JROTC programs must meet program entry requirements.

Gar-Field High School