AP Environmental Science

Subject Area Concentration
Credits 1
Course Designation
Advanced Placement (AP),
Weighted (1.0W)

AP Environmental Science utilizes students' mathematics and scientific skills in a systems approach to the environment. Major systems include aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the atmosphere, and resource allocation/distribution. In addition to laboratory work, some fieldwork is required. Students will take the Earth Science I Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment at the end of this course only if they have not yet earned a verified science credit for graduation. Students are expected to take the AP Environmental Science examination in May. With a satisfactory score, students may be eligible to receive some credit for college-level environmental science.

Battlefield High School
Colgan High School
Forest Park High School
Freedom High School
Gainesville High School
Hylton High School
Osbourn Park High School
Patriot High School
Woodbridge High School
