Chemistry 2: Forensic Sciences and Chemical Analysis

Subject Area Concentration
Credits 1

Chemistry 2: Forensic Sciences and Chemical Analysis course includes central concepts concerning the history of forensic sciences, the chemical analysis of forensic evidence, and crime scene management. Students will apply the Locard's Principle in the observation, acquisition, and analysis of forensic evidence. Major focus is placed upon the understanding of science as an active process including the application of instrumental methods of analysis such as ultraviolet, visible, infrared and fluorescence spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, and thin layer chromatography to the classification of physical evidence. In addition, techniques of analytical chemistry are utilized to investigate the chemical composition of blood, latent fingerprints, hair and fiber evidence, toxicology, soil samples, questioned documents, and other types of trace evidence.

Battlefield High School
Brentsville District High School
Freedom High School
Gainesville High School
Gar-Field High School
Hylton High School
Patriot High School
Unity Reed High School
Woodbridge High School
