Special Education

Students with Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) are guaranteed a  Free and Appropriate Public Education for all eligible children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment as per the Individuals with Disability Educational Act. Students who access the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) curriculum take the same required courses as students without disabilities. IEP teams determine the specific settings, goals, program supports, and accommodations required by such students. 

Students who access the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning also take courses aligned with these standards including required courses and elective/encore courses.

Students who are dually identified as English learners (EL) and students who are twice exceptional as gifted learners, will also take courses and receive supports appropriate to their needs. 

Questions about courses and support should be discussed with IEP case managers and considered by IEP teams. Graduation considerations should be made when selecting middle school courses.  

If you suspect your child has a disability, please reach out to the principal or designee of the building to discuss next steps. Additionally, if school staff suspect a disability, the school will contact the parent to discuss next steps.