In 12 grade English, students critically analyze and evaluate relationships among British literature, history, and other cultures. Students review multiple texts to identify and evaluate resources to make decisions and solve problems. Students use context, structure, and connotations to determine meanings of complex words and phrases. This course engages students in a recursive writing process with an emphasis on persuasion/argumentation to a standard acceptable to both the workplace and to postsecondary education. Students create media messages and analyze the cause and effect relationships between mass media coverage and public opinion trends. Students produce a research product, such as a multimodal presentation, that addresses alternative perspectives, synthesizes information from primary and secondary sources, and maintains ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information.
English 12
Subject Area Concentration
Course Designation
Virtual Prince William (VPW)
Battlefield High School
Brentsville District High School
Colgan High School
Forest Park High School
Freedom High School
Gainesville High School
Gar-Field High School
Hylton High School
Independence Nontraditional High School
Osbourn Park High School
Patriot High School
Potomac High School
Unity Reed High School
Woodbridge High School