IB History 1: History of the Americas (HL)

Subject Area Concentration
Credits 1
Course Designation
Higher Level (HL) ,
International Baccalaureate (IB),
Weighted (1.0W)

This is a survey course of U.S., Canadian, and Latin American history from early European contacts with American Indians and the people of the First Nation through the 20th century including analysis of the U.S. Civil War, industrialization, expansion, and the Latin American dictatorships. The course focuses on the American region's historical experience, and political, economic, and social systems. Students will demonstrate historical analysis by discussion, presentation, and written work including the IB History Internal Assessment. This is the first course in a required two-year sequence of IB diploma level history culminating with a series of external examinations including a full examination on this regional study and may provide college-level credit at many colleges and universities This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements.

Gar-Field High School
Unity Reed High School