This course is part of the IB sequence to prepare students for completion of the IB Programme and the external exam in level 5. Students will be able to: use French or Spanish effectively as a means of practical communication; gain insight into the life and civilization of the communities where the language is spoken, and into the local and standard aspects of language; have positive attitudes towards speakers of other languages and an appreciation of, and empathy for, other cultures; and have a basis of communication skills necessary for future study in the IB World Language strand of courses. The integration of the Advanced Middle Years Programme (Adv-MYP) Global Concepts and Assessment Criteria will be used as a means of broadening student experience and helping students to develop attitudes and values based on knowledge and skills. This course will prepare students for the Adv-MYP French or Spanish 3 course.
IB Middle Years Programme French 2, IB Middle Years Programme Spanish 2
Subject Area Concentration
Course Designation
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Gar-Field High School
Unity Reed High School