Math - IB Programme


Advanced Middle Years Programme Algebra 1

Credits 1

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) math courses promote both inquiry and application, helping students to develop problem-solving techniques that transcend the discipline and are useful in the world outside school. Success in Algebra 1 is widely considered to be a determining factor in success in upper level mathematics coursework. The skills in Advanced Algebra 1 build on algebraic thinking which students have experienced in kindergarten through middle school. Algebra 1 content includes arithmetic concepts, proportional reasoning, and functions. Graphing utilities (calculators, computers, and other technology tools) will be used to assist in teaching and learning. Advanced Algebra 1 provides instruction on all the Algebra 1 Standards and the following content from Algebra 2: absolute value equations and inequalities, simplifying and performing operations on radical expressions that include variables, and polynomial expressions with two variables. Students in this course will complete the Algebra 1 Standards of Learning test and are expected to continue their mathematics studies with Advanced Geometry.

Advanced Middle Years Programme Algebra 2

Credits 1

Adv-MYP Algebra 2 is the prerequisite for IB Math: Applications and Interpretations SL and IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 1 (SL). The course incorporates and expands the knowledge from both Adv-MYP Algebra and Adv-MYP Geometry. The course includes all objectives from the PWCS Algebra 2 curriculum, including the study of functions, equations, inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, rational and radical equations, complex numbers, and curves of best fit, with emphasis on and completion of projects and internationalism. Graphing technology is used throughout the course. This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements. Algebra 2 is required for Advanced Studies Diploma. 

Advanced Middle Years Programme Algebra 2 - Extended

Credits 1

The course includes all objectives from the PWCS Algebra 2 curriculum, including the study of functions, equations, inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, rational and radical equations, complex numbers, and curves of best fit. Advanced Middle Years Programme (Adv-MYP) Algebra 2 Extended is an accelerated course that integrates select Pre-Calculus concepts. Students are expected to master algebraic mechanics and understand the underlying theory and apply the concepts to real-world situations. The study of the trigonometric circular functions will continue from Adv-MYP Geometry and prepare students for further study of this topic. This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements. Algebra 2 is required for the Advanced Studies Diploma. 

Advanced Middle Years Programme Geometry

Credits 1

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) math courses promote both inquiry and application, helping students to develop problem-solving techniques that transcend the discipline and are useful in the world outside school. This course includes emphasis on two- and three- dimensional reasoning skills, coordinate and transformational geometry, and the use of geometric models to solve problems. The intent of this course is to provide students with many opportunities to explore, conjecture, reason logically, formulate and solve problems, and communicate mathematically. Graphing utilities, computers, dynamic geometry software, and other appropriate technology tools will be used to assist in teaching and learning. In Advanced Geometry, students are provided instruction on all the Geometry Standards along with the following content: Truth Tables and Two-Column Proofs, The Unit Circle, and The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements.

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 1 (HL)

Credits 1

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches is the first year in a two-year course that has a substantial mathematical element and is designed for students interested in extending their developing of mathematical arguments, problem solving, and exploring real and abstract applications, with and without technology. This course includes the content from Mathematics Analysis SL with additional content and at a faster pace. 

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 1 (SL)

Credits 1

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 1 (SL) is the first year in a two-year mathematics course that fulfills the Group 5 requirement in the IB Diploma Programme. The course is designed for math students who are preparing for studies in subjects such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration. The goal is to provide students with a solid foundation in Pre-Calculus topics such as functions and trigonometry, further extend their studies in probability and statistics, and begin their studies in calculus by exploring derivatives and integrals. Students will use technology as a tool for learning and develop an awareness of global contributions to the field of mathematics sciences. Students wishing to study subjects such as physics, engineering and technology should take the Mathematics HL course.

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 2 (HL)

Credits 1

IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches 2 HL is the second year of the two-year sequence in mathematics that meets the requirements of the IB Diploma Programme. This course builds on and extends the knowledge base of IB Mathematics 1 HL. IB Mathematics 2 HL is the study of concepts, techniques, and applications of differential and integral calculus. Students in this course will complete one portfolio project and will take the Analysis & Approaches HL exams. 

IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 2 (SL)

Credits 1

This course is the second year of the two-year sequence that meets the requirements of the IB Diploma Programme. This course builds on and extends the knowledge base of IB Math: Analysis and Approaches 1 (SL) to include topics in calculus. Students in this course will complete a portfolio project (mathematics exploration) and take the Analysis & Approaches SL exams.

IB Math: Applications and Interpretations (SL)

Credits 1

This course is a one-year course designed for students with varied backgrounds and abilities who are interested in social sciences, humanities, certain economics, statistics and engineering courses, and the arts. The emphasis of this course is to make explicit the applications of the mathematics being taught using technology, solving practical problems and exploring mathematical models. Students will complete a portfolio project (math exploration) and take the IB Math: Applications and Interpretations SL Exam.