Advanced Middle Years Programme Geometry

Subject Area Concentration
Credits 1
Course Designation
International Baccalaureate (IB),
Weighted (0.5W)

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) math courses promote both inquiry and application, helping students to develop problem-solving techniques that transcend the discipline and are useful in the world outside school. This course includes emphasis on two- and three- dimensional reasoning skills, coordinate and transformational geometry, and the use of geometric models to solve problems. The intent of this course is to provide students with many opportunities to explore, conjecture, reason logically, formulate and solve problems, and communicate mathematically. Graphing utilities, computers, dynamic geometry software, and other appropriate technology tools will be used to assist in teaching and learning. In Advanced Geometry, students are provided instruction on all the Geometry Standards along with the following content: Truth Tables and Two-Column Proofs, The Unit Circle, and The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. This course has an associated Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Students will participate in these tests only when they have not yet earned sufficient credit for graduation and/or satisfied federal testing requirements.

Gar-Field High School
Unity Reed High School
