World Language - IB Programme


Advanced Middle Years Programme French 3, Advanced Middle Years Programme Spanish 3

Credits 1

This course is part of the IB sequence to prepare students for completion of the IB Programme and the external exam in level 5. Students will be able to use French or Spanish effectively as a means of practical communication; gain insight into the life and civilization of the communities where the language is spoken, and into the local and standard aspects of language; have positive attitudes towards speakers of other languages and an appreciation of, and empathy for, other cultures; and have a basis of communication skills necessary for future study in the IB World Language strand of courses. The global contexts and Assessment Criteria will be used as a means of broadening student experience on knowledge and skills. This course will prepare students for the IB French or Spanish 4 course.

IB AB Initio French 1, IB AB Initio Spanish 1

Credits 1

Students demonstrate, using authentic materials, the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in everyday situations in preparation for an IB exam at the end of AB Initio 2. Students will be expected to master all the objectives of the Level 1 and 2 curriculum in a rigorous and accelerated manner.

IB AB Initio French 2, IB AB Initio Spanish 2

Credits 1

The emphasis for study continues on all four skills of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students continue to master the essential elements and the development of Advanced vocabulary to use language proficiently in everyday situations. This Advanced course is designed to strengthen fluency and proficiency in oral and written French and Spanish and to prepare those students who will be taking the IB AB Initio Exam.

IB French 4 (HL)

Credits 1

IB French 4 (HL) is the first segment of a two-year series that prepares students to take the IB French Exam. The development of all language skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing-continues, with emphasis on using the language in realistic contexts with authentic materials, to include films, recordings, newspapers, and magazines. Selected literary works are included. Examples and questions from past IB exams are used as learning tools at appropriate times throughout the course. Students are required to take the higher-level examination.

IB French 4 (SL), IB Spanish 4 (SL)

Credits 1

IB World Language 4 is designed to develop proficiency in highly motivated language students. Students will be expected to master all the objectives of the Level IV curriculum in a more rigorous and accelerated manner. The course seeks to develop all skills emphasizing language for communication, using authentic materials in preparation for the IB Language B Exam. An introduction to the IB Language B Program will be an integral part of this class.

IB French 5 (HL)

Credits 1

IB French 5 (HL) is the second segment of a two-year series that prepares students to take the IB French or Exam. The development of all language skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing-continues, with emphasis on using the language in realistic contexts with authentic materials, to include films, recordings, newspapers, and magazines. Selected literary works are included. Examples and questions from past IB exams are used as learning tools at appropriate times throughout the course. Students are required to take the higher-level examination.

IB French 5 (SL), IB Spanish 5 (SL)

Credits 1

This is an Advanced level course designed to strengthen fluency and proficiency in both oral and written world languages and to prepare students for the IB Language B Exam. The student will be able to speak the language with sufficient accuracy to participate in formal and informal conversations with ease. The student will be able to appreciate, discuss and comment (orally and in writing) on various literary forms. The in-depth study of literary works, contemporary articles and the review of complex linguistic structures will substantiate the course. Compositions will be on literary and issue-oriented themes. Self-expression will be encouraged through individual and group activities, oral presentations, and writing assignments.

IB Middle Years Programme French 2, IB Middle Years Programme Spanish 2

Credits 1

This course is part of the IB sequence to prepare students for completion of the IB Programme and the external exam in level 5. Students will be able to: use French or Spanish effectively as a means of practical communication; gain insight into the life and civilization of the communities where the language is spoken, and into the local and standard aspects of language; have positive attitudes towards speakers of other languages and an appreciation of, and empathy for, other cultures; and have a basis of communication skills necessary for future study in the IB World Language strand of courses. The integration of the Advanced Middle Years Programme (Adv-MYP) Global Concepts and Assessment Criteria will be used as a means of broadening student experience and helping students to develop attitudes and values based on knowledge and skills. This course will prepare students for the Adv-MYP French or Spanish 3 course.

IB Spanish 4 (HL)

Credits 1

IB Spanish 4 (HL) is the first segment of a two-year series that prepares students to take the IB Spanish Exam. The development of all language skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing-continues, with emphasis on using the language in realistic contexts with authentic materials, to include films, recordings, newspapers, and magazines. Selected literary works are included. Examples and questions from past IB exams are used as learning tools at appropriate times throughout the course. Students are required to take the higher-level examination.

IB Spanish 5 (HL)

Credits 1

IB Spanish 5 (HL) is the second segment of a two-year series that prepares students to take the IB Spanish Exam. The development of all language skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing-continues, with emphasis on using the language in realistic contexts with authentic materials, to include films, recordings, newspapers, and magazines. Selected literary works are included. Examples and questions from past IB exams are used as learning tools at appropriate times throughout the course. Students are required to take the higher-level examination.

IB Spanish A1 (HL) Language and Literature

Credits 1

The IB Spanish for Fluent Speakers (HL) course is a two-year course of study which meets the requirements of the IB Programme. Students focus on the study of language and literature according to the prescribed IB guidelines. At the same time students further develop their creative and critical thinking abilities, increasing skills and knowledge necessary for them to be contributing world citizens and lifelong learners. This course prepares students for the required Higher Level IB examination to be taken at the end of the senior year. Successful completion of this course and an additional Language A course qualifies the student for the Bilingual IB Diploma.

IB Spanish A1 (SL) Language and Literature

Credits 1

This course is designed for native/heritage Spanish-speaking students at the high school level in the IB Programme. It recognizes the natural skill of native/heritage speakers and emphasizes expansion and not replacement of the student's existing language. Students will use the language for purposes and situations involving sophisticated discussion, argument, and debate. The course will tap the natural potential of native/heritage speakers to focus on the enhancement of skill acquisition, enhance natural oral and aural skills, instill pride in a rich heritage, and allow students to succeed to their full potential. The course is based on the study of both language and literature.